Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nancy Explanation

October 14


I will eventually know all the facts. Why not tell me the truth now? You have played the game long enough.

I know that Mom and Dad had two trusts, one divided between you and me and one for Mom. It was not that I divorced the parents, you and Dad had this planned all along. I have a letter from March of 2007 stating that Tim witnessed you and Dad discussing the estate. Dad even showed me a copy of a Trust indicating that I was equally in charge. On many occasions, he stated that he would never allow you to be completely in charge. Even on my visit with the kids several months before his death, he stated that I wasn’t going to receive as much inheritance as you. Dad always had a good sense of humor especially at my expense even as he was dying.

Wesley now has two businesses and I assume Ivey did not lose her house from foreclosure. You saved your family from financial ruin. All it took was destroying mine. You have had the authority for probably over a decade to spend all of the joint Trust funds. So, by the time I forced you to disclose what you both had done, there would be no recourse to collect my share. That makes sense from an easily manipulated father and attorney, but from your own sister is evil, cruel, and vengeful. I do not know how you are going to live with the fact that you have hastened our deaths. It is unfortunate that you were unable to continue this ruse until my death from cancer. Then you would have only had to explain to my children that their years of employment and servitude under their grandfather were expected since we were the laborers.

I want to know when I was eliminated from any inheritance by receiving all copies of the Trusts and Pour-over Wills and what the estate was worth prior to you receiving POA. I am aware that you do not have to reply. But, life would be easier on both of us if you would cooperate. I am entitled to know the facts and I am prepared to spend every dime of my savings in retaining counsel. You can move Mom to Jacksonville and get a Restraining Order forbidding me from seeing Mother. But, there will never be peace until you decide to be honest with me. All of the money that you have stolen will be worthless.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lies and Deception

October 7, 2013


D.O.B. 8/12/1949

My sister and I would never have been friends if we weren’t family. Even as family, we had nothing in common. But, I never thought that she would go to such extremes to have me disinherited especially when she professes to be such a good Christian.

All her lies and deception have paid off. Nancy’s now adult children, Ivey Shealy (Jacksonville) and Wesley Hamilton (Lake Worth), will never have to financially worry about the future. Her grandchildren have been provided for as well. My family will receive no financial support.

As Power of Attorney for Mother and now Trustee, Nancy is not required to divulge when we were omitted from the Trusts. But it was very obvious that Dad’s hostility toward my family started when Nancy concluded that she could control both parents and the outcome of the estate.

The Wilson concept of money trumps morals is not foreign to this family. My father, Robert Wesley Wilson, who passed away October 10th of this year, was also disinherited by the very people who raised him. Dad was adopted as a young child by his grandmother after his mother, Elizabeth, died of cancer. After Granny’s death, all remaining daughters retained counsel to prevent Dad from inheriting an equal share. He continued to entertain and amuse all the family members that betrayed him at yearly reunions but he never forgave his relatives. Dad never forgave anyone.

The trauma this left on Dad affected all of us in the form of mental abuse. You didn’t get close. When you tried, he destroyed you. He refused to accept Mom’s Bipolar Mania disorder and forbade treatment. We all suffered by changing our behavior instead of Mother receiving medication. Nancy was so self-absorbed that she never acknowledged to me the dysfunctional family behavior until she was in her fifties.

I do not resent Nancy being chosen to be in charge of the estate. There would have been no choice since she demanded absolute control. Mom even made the statement that Nancy was “next in line” as if we were awaiting her coronation. Why all the deception and lies? Why eliminate your sister and nephews just because you have the power? Why not communicate as siblings entitled to equal love and affection?

To continue the lies, Nancy contacted my son, Terry, by email verifying my family’s addresses and stating to me that she wanted to encourage Dad to revise the Trusts so that all the grandchildren could receive some portion of the inheritance in advance since everyone needed the funds. This evil and deceptive act only benefited her children and grandchildren since she had already succeeded in having my family disinherited.

Fear and greed is a dangerous combination. Add a little humor and you magically get revenge. Hoping to continue the deception indefinitely, Nancy even paid for pedicures out of estate funds stating, “You will love it, it’s heavenly”! If there is a heaven and hell, Nancy will have to account for what she has done.

Mental illness has always been prevalent in the Wilson family. Except in Nancy’s memory, we all have a past riddled with scars and abuse. Nancy considers herself a God fearing Christian and lives in a fantasy kingdom where it is acceptable to administer pain to underlings as long as she and her family prevail. Dismiss the fact that you have a sister with breast cancer and a nephew with a heart defect and you don’t have to deal with reality. It doesn’t matter that we could use my portion of the promised inheritance for healthcare to increase our chances of survival. Nancy is hardly exempt from a mental illness diagnosis if she can look the other way knowing that she contributed to our deaths.

Ivey, Nancy’s daughter, wrote me in an email stating that “You are still in the family”. At the time, I didn’t understand what message she was trying to relay. It is perfectly clear now. We were not thrown out of the family; we were just stripped of any inheritance. If we play our cards right, maybe Nancy will invite us to Mom and Dad’s beachfront condo for a tour and to admire the breathtaking view.

We have learned that there are no guarantees in life. Promises are broken, money corrupts, evil prevails, and no one defends justice. The elderly become defenseless and trust only those that have a constant presence in their lives. Fear that they will be left to fend for themselves; there are those that are willing to sacrifice principles and morals for security. My father was no exception. He did as he was instructed. Mom will not confront Nancy to explain what she has done to my family because she is afraid. Nancy has seen to it that Mom has been declared incompetent to remove any objection for her actions. Someone had to lose so that Nancy could win. Why couldn’t we all win?

Connie Wilson Maros